Security Tips

Security Tips


Welcome to It’s A Lock LLC, your trusted source for all your keys and lock needs in Virginia Beach & Norfolk, VA

  1. Install a reliable security system: Invest in a reputable security system that includes burglar alarms, motion sensors, and surveillance cameras. Make sure the system is professionally installed and monitored.
  2. Secure all entry points: Ensure that all doors and windows have sturdy locks, including deadbolts. Consider reinforcing doors with strike plates and installing window security film or bars for added protection.
  3. Use timers for lights and electronics: Use timers to automatically turn on lights, TVs, or radios when you're away. This gives the impression that someone is home and can deter potential burglars.
  4. Keep your property well-lit: Install outdoor lighting around your property, especially near entry points. Motion sensor lights can be particularly effective as they illuminate dark areas when triggered.
  5. Lock doors and windows: Always lock your doors and windows, even when you're at home. This simple habit can greatly enhance your home's security.
  6. Be cautious with spare keys: Avoid hiding spare keys in obvious places like under doormats or flower pots. Instead, give spare keys to a trusted neighbor or invest in a keyless entry system.
  7. Maintain your yard: A well-maintained yard can deter burglars by giving the impression that someone is actively present. Trim shrubs and trees near windows, and ensure there are no hiding spots around your property.
  8. Don't advertise your absence: When you're away, avoid advertising it on social media or leaving notes on your door. Instead, ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect your mail, newspapers, or packages to maintain the appearance of an occupied home.
  9. Secure your Wi-Fi network: Use a strong and unique password for your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly update the firmware on your router to ensure security patches are applied.
  10. Be cautious of who you let in: Be mindful of who you allow into your home. Verify the identity of service workers or delivery personnel before granting them access.
  11. Install window coverings: Use blinds, curtains, or window films to prevent potential intruders from seeing inside your home and assessing its contents.
  12. Lock your garage: Many people overlook the security of their garages. Keep the garage door locked at all times and consider reinforcing it with additional security measures.
  13. Be aware of social engineering: Be cautious of phone calls or emails requesting personal information or posing as trusted entities. Don't disclose sensitive information unless you are certain of the authenticity of the request.
  14. Get to know your neighbors: Building good relationships with your neighbors can create a sense of community and increase overall security. Neighbors can watch out for each other and report suspicious activities.
  15. Keep an inventory of valuables: Document your valuable possessions with photographs or videos and keep a record of their serial numbers. This can be helpful for insurance claims in case of theft or damage.
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